The projects of the OUTCAST REGISTRATION operate in different topological spheres, that is, in spaces that reflect specific social functions and all have a private (individual) and a public (communal) meaning. The fact that private space is largely excluded highlights the problematic fact that the private sphere in democratic systems is fundamentally - and constitutionally - hidden from public view. While this does protect from state control and interference, it does not protect those who are exposed to (sexual) violence behind closed doors. For all the women who participated in the projects, the private space has never been a protective space, as is clear from their respective biographies - on the contrary. Since access to private space is denied, the OUTCAST REGISTRATION projects concentrate on social spaces that are accessible but under normal circumstances strictly separated from each other, and it is there that encounters or even confrontations are initiated between their inhabitants:
This describes the segregated life imposed on drug-addicted women within different social units; for example, prison, treatment facility, psychiatric ward, or asylum.
This represents, on the one hand, the stations of the women biographers before and after the onset of their addiction and their subsequent stays in isolated spaces. On the other hand, it both enables and demands pluralistic action in order to declare their lives, which have been relegated to the margins of society, a matter of public concern.
This includes places and facilities that are institutionally legitimised and funded, for example, museums, art venues and galleries, as well as urban facilities such as parks and playgrounds. Such spaces offer the possibility of a performative publication of the biographies at a cultural institution of the respective country, and also the opportunity to exchange views and reflections with people from the areas of culture, subculture, politics, and science.