Hof Düring, Loxstedt, DE
TBDWBAJ at Hof Düring
Project Realisation Hof Düring
January 2001–2002
with the participation of Rebecca Mertens
Hof Düring, Lunestedter Strasse 38, 27612 Loxstedt, Germany
Hof Düring is a specialised long-term care facility for dependent people.
General Information - Hof Düring:
The aim of the facility is to offer residents an environment in which they can find an individual way to participate in social processes. The support of each resident is provided per their respective resources, abilities, and skills.
In addition to long-term care, Hof Düring offers structured day programmes designed to introduce residents gradually to a purposeful and organised daily routine. These activities aim to foster a sense of inclusion and order in the lives of the residents, supporting them in adjusting to a stable and meaningful way of living.
The overarching goal of Hof Düring is to ensure the greatest possible inclusion of individuals into society. However, if during the support planning process, it becomes clear that independent living is no longer feasible, the facility can provide permanent housing. In cases where a care level is already established, the situation will be assessed individually to determine the best course of action.
Since 2001, abstinence has been a requirement for admission to the facility. A multi-professional team works with residents, helping them regain independence and take responsibility for their health and well-being. The rural setting, communal living environment, and opportunities for actively shaping daily life provide residents with space and time to explore new ideas for personal growth and change.
Hof Düring is committed to upholding the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006). The facility is recognised as a non-profit organisation and operates under the umbrella of Therapiehilfe e.V.