Outcast Registration

Women's Prison, Vechta, DE


Rebecca Mertens wrote her biography by herself during a term of imprisonment. This biography exerted a strong influence on the character and method of compiling a dry, strictly factual biography, which was developed with participants of projects that followed, referred to as the “matrix method”, and on the project's structure as such.

The images indicate several isolated spaces Rebecca Mertens is residing in since 1997. Rebecca is of an enormous importance for the art research project Outcast Registration: Criminal files, dossiers and reports from memory of countless conversations – live, by telephone, and in letters – between Ulrike Möntmann and Rebecca provide insight into specific information and enable its visualisation (see diagrams and charts).

Project Realization Vechta: August – November 2002, Women’s prison - Justizvollzugsanstalt für Frauen Lower Saxony, Vechta, D

Related biographies

Rebecca Mertens wrote her biography by herself during a term of imprisonment. This biography exerted a strong influence on the character and method of compiling a dry, strictly factual biography, which was developed with participants of projects that followed, referred to as the “matrix method”.

Background: what is a THE ISOLATED SPACE space?

This describes the segregated life imposed on drug-addicted women within different social units; for example, prison, treatment facility, psychiatric ward, or asylum.

See other spaces