initialism for the project title THIS BABY DOLL WILL BE A JUNKIE, which suggests that drug addiction is an unavoidable fate—an ominous prophecy for a human life that has barely begun. On the one hand, it contradicts common notions of freedom, independence, equal opportunity, and individual self-determination as guaranteed, indisputable rights of every individual. On the other, it also criticises a fatal consequence of this ideal, which often goes hand in hand with supposedly being justified in condemning the illness of addiction and the resulting violations of the law as a purely individual matter of personal failure. This failure to mourn those who have already been denied being regarded as a life worth living discredits connectedness and solidarity, that is, the willingness to engage in a shared world in equality and diversity.
a pre-printed catalogue of terms, both positively and negatively contextualisable, which are selected and assigned to the respective stages of life, and enable the women involved to provide information that is not emotionally charged or judgemental about traumatic experiences that had previously been impossible to communicate.
a biographical protocol that uses the Matrix Method to collect facts as soberly as possible which is devoid of emotional suggestion. From the resulting collages of words the biographers formulate sentences in the present tense, so that the events of the past are brought into the present.
a partially public meeting at which the project work is discussed and reflected upon on an interdisciplinary basis attended by specialists from the fields of art, science, politics, and administration. In this way, the presentations of the project in cultural spaces as well as the interventions in public spaces (see Drop off and Speech Activity) are monitored critically.
the act of installation and intervention by TBDWBAJ in public space. Each Baby Doll of a series is dropped off by a small group (participants of the Expert Meetings as well as locally known and lesser known persons from politics, science, and culture) at places, which belong to the life sphere of the junkies, and abandoned without further supervision. From now on, the passers-by decide what happens to the Baby Dolls—whether they are accepted or rejected, ignored or destroyed.
a porcelain doll, fragile not only because of the material it is made of, but also because of its iconographic connotations and psychosocial attributions, which is made by the women participating in the project. Each Baby Doll bears the facial features of its maker and wears a bracelet giving the title of the artwork and the URL of the autobiographical audio statements in the project archive of the OUTCAST REGISTRATION.