Outcast Registration

Kaznionica u Požegi, Požega, HR


The part of the project that is done in The Isolated Space consists of a practical and a theoretical work process. In a collaborative process the biographies of a small group of imprisoned women drug addicts are formulated and a series of identical porcelain dolls produced, which will later speak the women’s biographies – with their own voices – by means of an audio module inserted in the doll’s body. An incised text field on the doll’s back gives the name and year of birth, or death, of the drug addict whose biography is represented by the Baby Doll.

Realisation Požega

October – November 2008

Women’s State Prison (Ženska Kaznionica), Požega, HR


beschreibt das abgesonderte, den drogenkranken Frauen auferlegte Leben innerhalb verschiedener Gesellschaften – beispielsweise im Gefängnis, in der Therapieeinrichtung, der Psychiatrie, dem Asyl.

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