19 July 2015,
Substance abuse and prostitution – Field study New York and Frankfurt by C. Bernard / A. Langer
What is it that’s going on here? – Reflections on sociological theory by E. Goffman und H. Becker
Undergoing spaces – Architecture of psychiatry and prison
External image & Self image of drug addicts
Oral History – Audibility of voices as Outcast Registration
Observational perspectives – Interdisciplinary utilisation of Artistic Research
Literature (in german)
- “Frauen in Drogenszenen. Drogenkonsum, Alltagswelt und Kontrollpolitik in Deutschland und den USA am Beispiel Frankfurt am Main und New York City“, Christiane Bernard, 2013
- „Klandestine Welten. Mit Goffman auf dem Drogenstrich“, Antje Langer, 2003
- „Visuelle Gewalt. Menschenbilder aus der Psychiatrie des 20. Jahrhunderts“, Susanne Regener, 2010
- Christiane Bernard, sociologist, State Coordination Office for Women and Addiction, Frankfurt/Essen, Germany
- Nina Glockner, artist, Amsterdam, Netherlands and Vienna, Austria
- Antje Langer, educational studies, Professor at University Paderborn, Germany
- Ulrike Möntmann, artist, Amsterdam, Netherlands and Vienna, Austria
- Susanne Regener, culture and media studies, Professor at University Siegen, Germany and Affiliate Professor of Media Culture at University Copenhagen, Denmark