Melanie Niedermeyer

Born in Salzburg, Austria in 1988


I am born into a Sinti [Romani people] family in Frankfurt, the youngest of 7 children
I am born into a Sinti [Romani people] family in Frankfurt, the youngest of 7 children
Frankfurt , Germany
Since I am born, my mother has no time for me because she is taking care of the children of my brother who is in prison
Since I am born, my mother has no time for me because she is taking care of the children of my brother who is in prison
Frankfurt am Main , Germany
At age 2, my father, a pimp, and his brother attack one of his prostitute's clients, who wants to buy her freedom
At age 2, my father, a pimp, and his brother attack one of his prostitute's clients, who wants to buy her freedom
Daxluegstraße , Hallwang , Austria
At age 5, nobody tells me that my father has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison, so I think he is dead
At age 5, nobody tells me that my father has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison, so I think he is dead
Frankfurt , Germany
At age 7, I am neglected and sent to stay with my grandmother in Salzburg, I feel rejected and have no contact with my mother or siblings
At age 7, I am neglected and sent to stay with my grandmother in Salzburg, I feel rejected and have no contact with my mother or siblings
Bessarabierstraße , Salzburg , Austria
At age 9, I cook and clean all on my own at my strict grandmother's house
At age 9, I cook and clean all on my own at my strict grandmother's house
Bessarabierstraße , Salzburg , Austria
At age 9, I am aggressive toward my grandmother, cannot concentrate at school, and I am diagnosed with a learning disorder and hyperactivity
At age 9, I am aggressive toward my grandmother, cannot concentrate at school, and I am diagnosed with a learning disorder and hyperactivity
Salzburg , Austria
At age 12, my grandmother tells me that my father is alive
At age 12, my grandmother tells me that my father is alive
Bessarabierstraße , Salzburg , Austria
At age 14, I follow the example of my siblings and start to take drugs with friends
At age 14, I follow the example of my siblings and start to take drugs with friends
Südtiroler Platz , Salzburg , Austria
At age 14, I am disappointed, I start to steal and drop out of school
At age 14, I am disappointed, I start to steal and drop out of school
Forum , Salzburg , Austria
At age 17, I get to know my father and have good conversations with him when I am on ecstasy
At age 17, I get to know my father and have good conversations with him when I am on ecstasy
Bessarabierstraße , Salzburg , Austria
At age 18, I fall in love with a man who mistreats me and I stab him
At age 18, I fall in love with a man who mistreats me and I stab him
Taxham , Salzburg , Austria
At age 18, after my arrest, I am diagnosed with a personality disorder, drug dependency, and developmental delay, and I am sentenced for negligently causing bodily harm
At age 18, after my arrest, I am diagnosed with a personality disorder, drug dependency, and developmental delay, and I am sentenced for negligently causing bodily harm
Prison Schanzlgasse , Salzburg , Austria
At age 19, I go cold turkey while in prison, I get drug substition treatment with morphine and I feel better; the sadness remains
At age 19, I go cold turkey while in prison, I get drug substition treatment with morphine and I feel better; the sadness remains
Prison Schanzlgasse , Salzburg , Austria
At age 20, I get clean for the sake of my mother, and relapse after my release from prison
At age 20, I get clean for the sake of my mother, and relapse after my release from prison
Prison Schanzlgasse , Salzburg , Austria
Between ages 19 and 21, my drug substitution is shifted several times between morphine, methadone, and benzos and I stay depressed
Between ages 19 and 21, my drug substitution is shifted several times between morphine, methadone, and benzos and I stay depressed
Prison Schanzlgasse , Salzburg , Austria
At age 21, I fall in love and want to go into therapy, but instead I am sent to prison for an old sentence related to attempted theft
At age 21, I fall in love and want to go into therapy, but instead I am sent to prison for an old sentence related to attempted theft
Pressbaum , Austria
At age 23, my brother commits suicide; I am not permitted to attend his funeral, I try different forms of therapy in prison and relapse
At age 23, my brother commits suicide; I am not permitted to attend his funeral, I try different forms of therapy in prison and relapse
Prison Schanzlgasse , Salzburg , Austria
At age 24, I am released from prison
At age 24, I am released from prison
Leonhard-von-Keutschach-Straße , Salzburg , Austria
At age 25, I learn while in prison that my mother has died, and I lack any kind of attachment figure
At age 25, I learn while in prison that my mother has died, and I lack any kind of attachment figure
Prison Schanzlgasse , Salzburg , Austria
At age 26, I am homeless and am permitted to sleep at my sister's home. She is my new attachment figure
At age 26, I am homeless and am permitted to sleep at my sister's home. She is my new attachment figure
Salzburg , Austria
At age 26, I sleep in a tent with my new boyfriend
At age 26, I sleep in a tent with my new boyfriend
Salzburg , Austria
At age 27, methadone and benzos are not helping enough
At age 27, methadone and benzos are not helping enough
Alpenstraße , Salzburg , Austria
At age 28, my father dies
At age 28, my father dies
Hospital , Salzburg , Austria
At age 28, I am convicted for theft, attempted coercion, attempted bodily harm, grievous bodily harm, and obstructing a police officer in the performance of his duty, but will serve my sentence in 2 years’ time
At age 28, I am convicted for theft, attempted coercion, attempted bodily harm, grievous bodily harm, and obstructing a police officer in the performance of his duty, but will serve my sentence in 2 years’ time
Prison , Hallein , Austria
At age 29, my boyfriend commits a robbery and I defend him with violence
At age 29, my boyfriend commits a robbery and I defend him with violence
Prison , Hallein , Austria
At age 30, I start my 4-year prison sentence and am diagnosed with hepatitis C
At age 30, I start my 4-year prison sentence and am diagnosed with hepatitis C
Prison , Hallein , Austria
At age 31, my boyfriend is deported to Bosnia and Herzegovina
At age 31, my boyfriend is deported to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prison , Hallein , Austria
At age 33, I am accused of violence towards my fellow inmates
At age 33, I am accused of violence towards my fellow inmates
Prison , Hallein , Austria
I actually am a good person, but I become aggressive so easily
I actually am a good person, but I become aggressive so easily
Prison , Schwarzau am Steinfeld , Austria
21 September 1988 – January 2024
21 September 1988 – January 2024
Salzburg , Austria

The conceptual architecture of TBDWBAJ is based on the investigation of various social spaces, isolated space, cultural space, public space and virtual space. Each of these rooms describes a phase of the project and takes on a different perspective.


(no the public space spaces)


(no the cultural space spaces)