Article about "parrhesia" in Augustin, No 578 (in German)

04 July 2023

Viennese city newspaper AUGUSTIN published an article about the project "parrhesia", based on an interview with Ulrike Möntmann and Stefanie Elias. Author of the article: Magdalena Mayer.

Please be aware that the article is only available in German.


AUGUSTIN was founded in 1995 following the example of American, British or French street newspapers. The sale of street newspapers helps people who are excluded from the labour market for various reasons (homeless, long-term unemployed, asylum seekers, etc.) to alleviate their hardship, as they receive half of the sales price. Professional social workers from AUGUSTIN are at their side. However, the primary goal of AUGUSTIN social work is not to make the marginalised job-ready but to facilitate their escape from exclusion.

The newspaper defines itself on the one hand as a city newspaper, also with entertaining elements, and on the other hand as a forum for radical criticism of all forms of social injustice and as a platform for marginalised issues. It is made by professional journalists and graphic designers. A definition from an observational point of view: AUGUSTIN is the media social conscience of Vienna. (Source)