Maria Sousa

Born in Vila de Conde, Portugal in 1986


I am the blessed child of loving parents; the first daughter, the first grandchild and the first niece
I am the blessed child of loving parents; the first daughter, the first grandchild and the first niece
Alamenda dos Descobrimentos , Vila de Conde , Portugal
At age 7, I do not receive enough attention at school
At age 7, I do not receive enough attention at school
4450 Leça da Palmeira , Matosinhos, Porto , Portugal
At age 7, a psychologist diagnoses me with a concentration disorder; my restlessness and learning disability are treated with medication
At age 7, a psychologist diagnoses me with a concentration disorder; my restlessness and learning disability are treated with medication
Largo da Misericórdia , Póvoa de Varzim, Porto , Portugal
When I am 11 my sister is born and I have to share my parents’ attention from now on
When I am 11 my sister is born and I have to share my parents’ attention from now on
Praça do Relógio , Vila do Condo , Portugal
At age 14, I leave school, start working in gastronomy and am proud of my memory when taking orders
At age 14, I leave school, start working in gastronomy and am proud of my memory when taking orders
Rua Capitão Carlos Fonseca , Vila de Conde , Portugal
When I am 14 years old, I stop taking the psychotropic drugs and can immerse myself in my emotional world while smoking pot
When I am 14 years old, I stop taking the psychotropic drugs and can immerse myself in my emotional world while smoking pot
Alamenda dos Descobrimentos , Vila do Conde , Portugal
At age 14, I meet my friend, who is older than me, and we take hallucinogenic drugs
At age 14, I meet my friend, who is older than me, and we take hallucinogenic drugs
Labruge , Vila do Conde, Porto , Portugal
At age 18, we enjoy trance parties on weekends, euphoric on psychedelic drugs and music
At age 18, we enjoy trance parties on weekends, euphoric on psychedelic drugs and music
Vila do Conde, Porto , Portugal
When I am 19 years old, we drive to Morocco in 17 hours and the dealer calls me a chicken with golden eggs. I transport 230 units of drugs to Portugal in my body
When I am 19 years old, we drive to Morocco in 17 hours and the dealer calls me a chicken with golden eggs. I transport 230 units of drugs to Portugal in my body
Estradas Marrocos , Direction Tangier , Morocco
At age 19, I marry my boyfriend and open a bakery
At age 19, I marry my boyfriend and open a bakery
Rua Mário Areias , Vila do Conde , Portugal
At age 21, our daughter is born
At age 21, our daughter is born
Avenida Mouzinho de Albuquerque , Povoa de Varzim , Portugal
At age 22, I accompany my husband to France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and Italy for work
At age 22, I accompany my husband to France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and Italy for work
PT, FR, CH, BE, DE , IT , Europe
When I am 22 years old, I find out about my husband's other wife in Portugal
When I am 22 years old, I find out about my husband's other wife in Portugal
Floresta de Eucaliptos , Vila do Conte , Portugal
At age 23, I find myself alone, taking care of my daughter, unemployed and with little ambition, deeply hurt by betrayal and heartbreak
At age 23, I find myself alone, taking care of my daughter, unemployed and with little ambition, deeply hurt by betrayal and heartbreak
Vila do Conde , Portugal
At age 23, I return to Vila do Conde to my grandparents' house, where I meet a man who drives me crazy because he makes me feel alive and loved and free to make my own decisions
At age 23, I return to Vila do Conde to my grandparents' house, where I meet a man who drives me crazy because he makes me feel alive and loved and free to make my own decisions
Avenida Baltazar do Couto , Vila do Conte , Portugal
When am 24 years old, my father dies and I lose control, I live in hatred and rage and from then on I completely relapse
When am 24 years old, my father dies and I lose control, I live in hatred and rage and from then on I completely relapse
Bairro do Aleixo , Porto , Portugal
At age 24, we get involved with the wrong crowd, take crack and heroin to excess
At age 24, we get involved with the wrong crowd, take crack and heroin to excess
Bairro da Fonte da Moura , Porto , Portugal
When I am 24 years old, nothing can stop me from relapsing or getting high
When I am 24 years old, nothing can stop me from relapsing or getting high
Rua Escura , Porto , Portugal
When I am 27 years old, I do everything to destroy myself and suffer from an overwhelming desire to take drugs
When I am 28 years old, my mother-in-law takes care of my daughter and kicks me out on the street as I neglect myself, am sick and vicious
At age 28, I threaten to kill my rejecting mother
At age 28, I threaten to kill my rejecting mother
Alamenda dos Descobrimentos , Vila de Conde , Portugal
When I am 30 years old, my mother-in-law also takes care of my second daughter
When I am 30 years old, my mother-in-law also takes care of my second daughter
Vila do Conde , Portugal
At age 31, my 14 ½-year prison sentence for armed robbery and drug trafficking starts. After an appeal, I am sentenced to 9 years and 6 months in prison
At age 31, my 14 ½-year prison sentence for armed robbery and drug trafficking starts. After an appeal, I am sentenced to 9 years and 6 months in prison
Rua Gonçalves Zarco , Santa Cruz do Bispo , POrtugal
At age 34, I am imprisoned and begin psychiatric treatment for my addiction, self-destruction and depression. For the first time, I experience relief and a feeling of having been saved
At age 34, I am imprisoned and begin psychiatric treatment for my addiction, self-destruction and depression. For the first time, I experience relief and a feeling of having been saved
Rua Gonçalves Zarco , Santa Cruz do Bispo , Portugal
At age 36, therapy and medication help me to see and express myself and to experience self-determination and personal responsibility
At age 36, therapy and medication help me to see and express myself and to experience self-determination and personal responsibility
Rua Gonçalves Zarco , Santa Cruz do Bispo , Portugal
At age 37, I rediscover the path of faith and experience friendship. I feel blessed by life and by God again and have hope for the future
At age 37, I rediscover the path of faith and experience friendship. I feel blessed by life and by God again and have hope for the future
Rua Gonçalves Zarco , Santa Cruz do Bispo , Portugal

The conceptual architecture of TBDWBAJ is based on the investigation of various social spaces, isolated space, cultural space, public space and virtual space. Each of these rooms describes a phase of the project and takes on a different perspective.


(no the public space spaces)


(no the cultural space spaces)