Melanie Niedermeyer

21 09 1988–01 2024

On the second day of the parrhesia project in Schwarzau Prison, participant Ivana Landmann handed us a letter from her cellmate. In the letter, inmate Melanie Niedermeyer urgently asks us to allow her to participate in the project, even though she did not register in time. She says that it was only through the reporting of her cellmate that she understood what the parrhesia project is about. The Matrix and the biographical work and talking about her life helped her to come to terms with the suicide of her brother, the death of her parents and her grandmother. All of them died during her prison sentences, and she was unable to say goodbye to any of her relatives or attend any of their funerals.

She very much hoped to get a place in the project.

It doesn't take long to officially register Melanie for the project and after the lunch break she is already arriving at the cultural hall of the Schwarzau correctional institution together with the other participants.

Melanie Niedermeyer's contribution to the project is enriching. From creating her matrix and her biography, to the conscientious listing of crimes she has committed and suffered, to speech activity, in which she reads her criminal record, she displays the courage of a parrhesiast: »Tell me about yourself» taps into a deep-rooted human need –»Telling all‘ is then: telling the truth without hiding any part o fit, without hiding it behind anything.« (Michel Foucault)